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3 Powerful Sections for Your Event Sustainability Checklist

It’s essential to compile an event sustainability checklist when you’re keen to ditch the plastic and make your next event a green dream. Well, you've come to the right place.

Plastic Free July is here, described by its founders at the Plastic Free Foundation as “…a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution”.

And we're bursting with tips and tricks to help you reduce plastic waste at your events.

So, grab your reusable coffee cup and let’s dive in to the key elements on every eco-warrior’s event sustainability checklist.

A screwed up plastic bottle on a pink wood background with the words PLASTIC FREE in blue.

Is Event Signage on Your Event Sustainability Checklist?

Ok, so signage might sound counterproductive in terms of event sustainability. But it’s not, (especially when you’re using digital, recyclable or reusable signage). On the contrary, it’s about guiding your guests towards greener habits, which all starts with clearer communication.

Here's how to make your sustainable messages stick:

·        Plan ahead - Map out your signage strategy in advance, giving careful thought to where and how you'll display your signs to maximise visibility.

·        Signpost bins - Make it crystal clear where people can dispose of their waste.

·        Label rubbish - Ensure every bin has a label indicating what goes in and what stays out. For example, "Food waste here" or "Plastics only".

·        Refill and reuse  Use prominent signage to direct people to refillable water stations and washing up spots.

·        Reiterate multiple use  Labour the point by putting cheeky prompts on plates and mugs, like “Take me to the wash station for a second date”.

You’ll have everyone on board in no time when you make it easy and fun.

The recycling symbol above piles of sustainable plates, cups, cutlery, straws and scattered leaves.

Say So Long to Single-Use

Ready to take your event sustainability checklist up a notch? Swap out those single-use plastics for reusables.

  • Start with a stock-take - List all the single-use items your event typically uses, like plastic bottles, plates, cups, or cutlery.

  • Select a starting point - Pick one item to swap out first. For example, water bottles are a great place to start. Provide water stations instead, and encourage guests to bring their own bottles. Or sell reusable ones on-site.

  • Do the washing up - Set up washing stations for reusable cups and plates. A mug library is a fun and practical addition.

The results? You’ll cut down on plastic waste, while also saving money on cleanup costs and recycling efforts. Not to mention you’ll inspire others to adopt better sustainable practices.

A young woman with long red hair in a navy polka dot top, reading her mobile phone and carrying a refillable cup.

Up the Ante with Your Event Suppliers

Including you suppliers on your event sustainability checklist is crucial for overall success. For this purpose, draw up a list of single-use plastic items and decide what you can realistically ban, such as:

  • Balloons

  • Bottled water

  • Clingfilm

  • Glitter

  • Mini condiment packets

  • Plastic bags (including bin bags)

  • Plastic cutlery

  • Plastic plates, cups, and wine glasses

  • Plastic straws and stirrers

  • Plastic takeaway containers

  • Styrofoam and polystyrene

Besides including these requirements in your supplier agreements, you might also want to think about a rule against non-approved freebies. After all, impactful event sustainability should reduce plastics and waste, while showcasing creative alternatives. Isn’t that what the events sector thrives on?

Red green and yellow bins, with a pair of hands holding a globe above them.

What are the Benefits of Going Plastic-Free?

The main perks of plastic-free events include:

  • Waste reduction – Cutting down on the amount of waste your event generates means less to recycle afterwards.

  • Cost savings – Save time and therefore money on post-event cleanups.

  • Feel good factor – Engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way ramps up your employer brand, besides encouraging others to adopt and implement their own sustainable values.

With a bit of planning, a well thought out event sustainability checklist and a dash of creativity, it’s perfectly possible to deliver events with both people and planet in mind. And what better time than Plastic Free July to start making a lasting impact?


At The Venue Hunters, we know sourcing event sustainability can be a bit of a challenge. But walking the green talk is easier with a little help from us. So, use our hints and tips to draw up your event sustainability checklist. And drop us a line. Our expert and effective FREE venue finding service takes the hassle out of finding the perfect eco-friendly venue for your next event!



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